Invested In Your Success

Hilton Capital Management is a privately held boutique investment management firm based in Garden City, NY.

What We Do

Hilton currently manages over $2 billion in actively managed balanced and equity strategies for institutions, individual investors, and their advisors.

Our products are available as separately managed accounts and on the world’s premier investment platforms.

Our Approach

Our investment approach is centered on producing superior risk-adjusted returns through a combination of decreased portfolio volatility, capital appreciation, and in selected strategies, income generation. We include our views of global macro trends, asset allocation, and disciplined security selection as key components of our process.

Our Timeline

  • AUM $187

    Veteran fixed income manager Bill Garvey and colleague Larry Rafferty launch Hilton Capital Management with its flagship strategy, Tactical Income (TI). The strategy was designed to appeal to the equity investor who wanted more protection and the fixed income investor who wanted a little more return.

    “It’s not as much [about] what you own, it’s how do you on a risk-adjusted basis protect the investments that you have, and stay away from the things that really aren’t going to give you some opportunity to make money…”

    William Garvey, Founder & Co-Chief Investment Officer

    William Garvey headshot
  • Total AUM $374M

    Despite the extended effects of the global financial crisis, Hilton continues to gain traction with AUM growth of over 36% between 2008-2010.

    Craig O’Neill joins Hilton as CEO, focusing on building out the operational infrastructure to complement Garvey’s investment expertise.

    “What makes Hilton so compelling as a company is that we’re able to balance entrepreneurship with conservatism.”

    Craig O’Neill, Chief Executive Officer

    Craig O’Neill, CEO
  • Alexander Oxenham joins Hilton as Partner & Co-Chief Investment Officer. Alex helps formalize Hilton’s investment process and co-leads the Tactical Income Strategy.

  • The Tactical Income Fund is launched via investment company Direxion in response to customer demand for a mutual fund vehicle.

  • Hilton’s Dividend & Yield Strategy (DIVYs) is launched to complement Tactical Income with Alex Oxenham at the helm.

    “DIVYs is a way for our clients to engage us on a more equity-oriented outlook.”

    Alex Oxenham, Partner & Co-Chief Investment Officer

    Alex Oxenham headshot
  • AUM $1.0B

    Hilton crosses a milestone AUM of $1.0B for the first time.

  • Timothy Reilly joins Hilton as President, primarily focusing on strategic business and risk management initiatives.

    Reilly also launches Hilton’s ETF-focused Efficient Tactical Income vehicle.

    “Efficient Tactical Income enables investors to gain exposure to the Tactical Income strategy with ETFs rather than individual securities.”

    Tim Reilly, President

    Tim Reilly headshot
  • Portfolio manager Tom Maher joins Hilton to launch the Small & Mid Cap Opportunities strategy to round out Hilton’s equity offerings.

    “We look to participate in up markets and protect the downside in more challenging periods. The ability to critically assess business models is essential to success over a whole market cycle.”

    Tom Maher, Portfolio Manager

    Tom Maher headshot
  • AUM $2.0B.

    Having doubled its total AUM in just five years, Hilton starts the year with a total AUM of $2.0B.

    Hilton celebrates the third anniversary of the Small & Mid Cap Opportunities strategy and its record of outperformance.

    “With the full support of the Hilton organization plus increasing resources, I look forward to many years of continued performance,”

    Thomas Maher, Portfolio Manager

    Thomas Maher headshot
  • Hilton celebrates a banner year with milestone anniversaries for two of its signature strategies.

    The firm proudly marks a decade of excellence for the Dividend & Yield Strategy (DIVYS) and five successful years for Small & Mid Cap Opportunities (SMCO).

    "As we celebrate these remarkable achievements, we remain dedicated to delivering competitive, risk-adjusted returns and creating opportunities for growth throughout the market cycle for our clients."

    Craig O’Neill, Chief Executive Officer


Our Interests Are Aligned With Yours 

We know of no better way to demonstrate our conviction about our team, our strategies, and our process than putting our own money to work. At Hilton, investment professionals take sizable positions in their own strategies.

We eat our own cooking, have skin in the game, and take our own advice. We’re in this with you.

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